Join us for the ‘Korean Blogathon 2011′!

Inspired by the Japanese Blogathon run by the WildGrounds website for the last two years (see here:, New Korean Cinema and cineAWESOME! have decided to steal been inspired by the idea and are joining forces to create our own Korean Blogathon in the hope that we can encourage you – yes, you! – to share and discover opinions and ideas about Korean cinema. It’s open to anyone – wherever you are around the world and whichever language you speak.

We’re hoping that for one week – 7th to the 13th March – we can encourage as many people as possible to get involved writing about Korean cinema. Hopefully over the week this will kick up some really interesting posts – and most importantly that people will discover films and ideas that they’ve never come across before, maybe learn a little about Korean film history, or maybe even discover websites and blogs they were previously unaware of.

Ideas for blog posts might include reviews, top tens, opinions on favourite directors / actors / genres, whatever you want – it just needs to be related to Korean cinema in some way.

All you need to do is to write a post – or as many posts as you want over the seven days – on your blog or website and then send an e-mail with your link to blogathon [at] newkoreancinema [dot] com and we’ll post a link to you from the site. You can also post your own links on our Facebook page (which is here: or we will do it for you, and we’ll Tweet links to your posts throughout the week: Twitter tag for the week will be #koreablog. If you want to use one of our ‘Korean Blogathon 2011′ banner they can be downloaded from here:

So don’t forget: 7th to the 13th March is the Korean Blogathon. Get involved!

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About Martin Cleary

Martin Cleary is the founder and editor of the New Korean Cinema site. He is a contributor for the forthcoming Directory of World Cinema: Korea, has been a recurring guest on the 'What's Korean Cinema?' podcast and has participated in a discussion panel at the East Winds Symposium at Coventry University. He has written for the magazines Jade Screen and Screen Power and for several online sites including Electric Sheep and VCinema and was a team writer for the now defunct KFCCinema site.