Join us for ‘Korean Blogathon 2012′

Last year New Korean Cinema played host to the Korean Blogathon – a week which was used to try to shine the spotlight on Korean films and the people who are writing about them online. The response blew us away – over the seven days many great articles emerged from some brilliant writers and this created some interesting discussions about many varied aspects of Korean film and filmmakers. It was such a great event that we promised the Blogathon would return…. so here we go!

This year cineAWESOME! will be doing the heavy lifting by organising and hosting the event, but New Korean Cinema will be involved through both posting our own articles throughout the week as well as mirroring all of the links generated by everyone participating throughout the week on this years Blogathon page.

In order to spread the links as far as possible, all of this years links will also be mirrored by KOFFIA, Hangul Celluloid, Modern Korean Cinema and VCinema, so it’s a great opportunity to gain some exposure while discovering the many other great bloggers writing about Korean cinema within the online community.

For more information on this years event check out the Press Release from cineAWESOME! below:

Following last years successful Korean Blogathon (thanks to everyone who joined us!) New Korean Cinema and cineAWESOME! will be hosting the event again this year from 5th to the 11th March.

What’s the Korean Blogathon?

It’s a way to try to encourage as many people – including YOU! – to share and discover opinions and ideas about Korean cinema. It’s open to anyone – wherever you are around the world and whichever language you speak.

For one week we try to encourage as many people as possible to get involved writing about Korean cinema. Anything you want. Over the course of the seven days this kicks up some really interesting posts – and, most importantly, people are able to read what you’ve written and discover films and ideas that they’ve never come across before, maybe learn a little about Korean film history, or maybe even discover websites and blogs they were previously unaware of.

Ideas for blog posts might include reviews, top tens, opinions on favorite directors / actors / genres, whatever you want – it just needs to be related to Korean cinema in some way. Last year we had fifty blogs participate, generating one hundred and fifty posts!

Check out the links for last years event here. This year the event will be hosted by cineAWESOME! and mirrored at New Korean Cinema.

All you need to do to join us is to write a post – or as many posts as you want over the seven days – on your blog or website during the week of 5th to the 11th of March then send an e-mail to with your link to and we’ll post a link to you from the site. You can also post your own links on our  or we will do it for you, and we’ll Tweet links to your posts throughout the week: the Twitter tag for the week will be #koreablog.

If you want to use one of our ‘Korean Blogathon 2012’ banners they can be downloaded from here

So don’t forget: 5th to the 11th March is the Korean Blogathon. Get involved!

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About Martin Cleary

Martin Cleary is the founder and editor of the New Korean Cinema site. He is a contributor for the forthcoming Directory of World Cinema: Korea, has been a recurring guest on the 'What's Korean Cinema?' podcast and has participated in a discussion panel at the East Winds Symposium at Coventry University. He has written for the magazines Jade Screen and Screen Power and for several online sites including Electric Sheep and VCinema and was a team writer for the now defunct KFCCinema site.