Park Joong-hoon Archive
Review: Heaven's Soldiers (Min Joon-ki / 2005)
Posted on January 23, 2010 | No CommentsNorth Korea decides to hand over a nuclear warhead (developed secretly with the South) to American forces as a result of International pressure. Major Kang – a North Korean Officer- is unhappy with the arrangement and steals the warhead to prevent the handover. Kang believes that North Korea should not...Continue Reading...
Review: Haeundae (Yun Je-gyun / 2009)
Posted on January 7, 2010 | 3 CommentsScientist Kim Hwi believes that a recent spate of earthquakes are signposts towards an impending disaster. As he puts together evidence for his theory, he tells everyone who should listen that there is crisis ahead. Do they listen? Of course they don’t! This is a disaster flick after all… Some...Continue Reading...
News: A remake, a one hundred and first and some trailers…
Posted on November 18, 2009 | 1 CommentThe updates on the site might have been limited this week to a review of 200 POUNDS BEAUTY while I’ve been setting up the Twitter, Facebook and MySpace pages, but there’s been a couple of interesting news stories this week and a few cool trailers… ‘A Better Tomorrow’ Remake So...Continue Reading...
Review: Say Yes (Kim Sung-hong / 2001)
Posted on October 30, 2009 | No CommentsCelebrating a publishing deal and their first wedding anniversary, young couple Jeong-hyun and Yun-hie decide to take a few days away to spend some time together. Their journey is interupted by an incident with a drfiter who asks to them to give him a lift to their destination – at...